Edited Volumes
Book Chapters (selected)
Articles and Essays (selected)
Edited Volumes
- 2018. Bodies of Evidence: Ethics, Aesthetics, and Politics of Movement. Vienna: Passagen Verlag.
- 2010. Dance on Time!. İstanbul: Bimeras Publications.
- 2009. Solo? in Contemporary Dance. Istanbul: Bimeras Publications.
- 2007. Yirminci Yüzyılda Dans Sanatı: Kuram ve Pratik. (ed. with Sebnem Selisik Aksan), İstanbul: Boğaziçi University Press.
Book Chapters (selected)
- 2024. “Love of the World, Care for the Earth: Thinking with Arendt on Somatic Practices.” In Bare Bodies, edited by Mariella Greil, Vienna: De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783111341446-004
- 2021. “The Object of My Inquiry.” In Curating Dramaturgies: How Dramaturgy and Curating are Intersecting in the Contemporary Arts, edited by Peter Eckersall, Bertie Ferdman, Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003042785
- 2020. “Political Action as Virtuoso Performance and the Redemptive Potential of Art.” In Lecture for Every One, Sarah Vanhee. Art Paper Editions, Amsterdam.
- 2018. “Gezi Uprising: Performative Democracy and Politics of the Body in an Extended Space of Appearance.” In Media Practices, Social Movements, and Performativity: Transdisciplinary Approaches, edited by Margreth Lünenborg, Susanne Foellmer, Christoph Raetzsch, London: Routledge.
- 2017. “Hope.” In Words for the Future publication series, edited by Nienke Scholts, Amsterdam: The Future Publishing.
Articles and Essays (selected)
- 2023. “A Poetic Condensation of Entangled Histories” – on Kono atari no dokoka – somewhere around here by Michikazu Matsune & Martine Pisani, Tanzquartier Wien Magazine.
- 2023. “Promises and Pitfalls of ‘Political’ Curating in Live Arts,” On Curating, Issue 55, pp. 25-30.
- 2022. “COVID-19 Protests and the Performative Force of Untruth: Some Arendtian Intimations,” Performance Research Journal, 27 (2).
- 2022. “Curatorial Practice as a Claim to Public-ness,” TURBA: The Journal for Global Practices in Live Arts Curation, 1(1).
- 2022. “Fragmented Spaces of Appearance” In "Temporary Assembly of Living Things," Solo Exhibition by Hakan Topal, DEPO Istanbul.
- 2021. “Undoing Hierarchies of Knowledge.” Interview with Radouan Mriziga, Tanz Im August Magazine, August, pp. 14-16.
- 2018. “Revolutions Unheard.” Interview with choreographer Aydin Teker. Tanz Im August Magazine, August, pp. 68-70.
- 2016. “The Gezi Uprising and Corporeal Politics: Towards the Reinvention of a Political Culture.” SCORES No 5: intact bodies / under protest, edited by Walter Heun; Krassimira Kruschkova; Mehanovic Lejla, pp. 14-23.
- 2016. “Entfesselte Körper,” tanz (Yearbook 2016): 36-43.
Other Publications (Periodicals, Reviews, Interviews, Reports, and Online Media):
- Ertem, Gurur. 2012. “Cultures of Complaint: A Report on Teaching the Teachers Meeting on Contemporary Dance Education in Turkey.” iDANSblog, November 10.
- Kaegi Stefan; Gurur Ertem and Aydın Silier. 2012. “An Interview with Stefan Kaegi/Rimini Protokoll on the Perfomance of Radio Muezzin.” iDANSblog, October 6.
- Ertem, Gurur. 2012. “Decentralizing the Human Figure in Choreography: An Interview with Dominique Bouivin.” iDANSblog, October 20.
- Akselsen, Anna; Adrian Minckowitz, and Gurur Ertem. 2012. “Young Choreographers’ ‘Game Theory’.” iDANSblog, October 12.
- Mendelssohn, Anna; Gurur Ertem. 2012. “On ‘Cry me a River’ with Anna Mendelssohn.” iDANSblog, October 3.
- Layes, Clément; Gurur Ertem. 2011. “Choreographic Maneuvers.” iDANSblog, October 19.
- Monteiro Freitas, Marlene; Gurur Ertem. 2011.“Metamorphoses.” iDANSblog, October 19.
- Ertem, Gurur. 2009. “Dokuman’ın Dökümü: Dramaturji Üzerine Notlar.” iDANSblog, November 11.
- Dimchev, Ivo; Gurur Ertem. 2009. “Voicing Choreography.” iDANSblog, October 10.
- Copper, Kelley; Gurur Ertem. 2009. “Can you tell the story of Romeo and Juliet?” iDANSblog, October 11.
- Pisani, Martine; Gurur Ertem. 2009. “Martin Pisani’s Choreographic Universe.” iDANSBlog, September 11.
- Ertem, Gurur. 2009. “Bir Metodoloji Olarak ‘Çağdaş’ Dans.” Gist [Contemporary Performing Arts Magazine] (3): 31-34.
- Ertem, Gurur. 2009. “Ayşe Orhon ile ‘Harbi’ Söyleşi.” Gist [Contemporary Performing Arts Magazine] (3): 18-20.
- Ertem, Gurur. 2008. “Malûliyet Estetiği ya da Tamlık Halüsinaysonu: Self Unfinished (Xavier Le Roy) ve Solum (Taldans).” Roxy GaSte [Magazine for Culture and Arts] (February).
- Ertem, Gurur. 2008. “Aydın Teker: aKabı’nın Bedeni ve Hareket.” Gist [Contemporary Performing Arts Magazine] (1): 90-3.
- Ertem, Gurur. 2008. “(Birkaç) para-GRAF.” Gist [Contemporary Performing Arts Magazine] (1): 136-38.
- Ertem, Gurur. 2007. “Çağdaş Dansta Koreografik Yaklaşımlar.” iDANSblog, October 10.
- Orhon, Ayşe; Gurur Ertem. 2007. “Tekrar Edebilir misin Üzerine Söyleşi.” iDANSblog, September 15.
- Alkış, Özlem; Gurur Ertem. 2007. “Neverland Üzerine Söyleşi.” iDANSBlog, September 14.
- Ertem, Gurur. 2007. “A Lecture on Post-Structuralist Philosophy to Understand Contemporary Choreographers like Jérôme Bel (and Why You Are Important).” iDANSblog, September 12.
- Ertem, Gurur. 2007. “Teknik, Gelenek ve ‘Etnik’ Dans.” iDANSblog, September 10.
- Ertem, Gurur. 2007. “Bedenin Hafızası - Arşiv Olarak Beden: Shirtologie (Jérôme Bel).” iDANSblog, September 8.
For information about other publications, please see CV.
© Gurur Ertem 2025